Sunday 15 January 2012

3m Perroy Rolle

Last night I was at a party and found out:
a) Cedric works and JPM and wanted to come for a run
b) Charles purchased a pair of running shoes
c) Vincent fancied a run

Which combined well with:
d) Lia wanted to cycle with me while I went for a run
e) Paul wanted to run a bit further than usual

After a the last whisky at 11:45pm I remembered that my puchy suggestion for 8am had been bumped first to 8:30am and then 9am.

I was sceptical about my own family's ability to follow through, but we were all there by the bins at the appointed time, but no sign of anyone else. They were waiting at the wrong bins, but that was ok and so we set of in the biggest non-race running group I've ever been in, 6 in total with 100% of those showing an interest turning up.

After half a mile Paul was 300m ahead, Vincent was zipping back between Paul and Cedric and Charles and Charles was, well walking. I pushed Lia up the hill and then explained the route to Paul and then back to encourage Charles and Cedric - Paul was doing circles of encouragement at every opportunity. He even sat down on the bridge to wait for us.

At Perroy I took Paul, Lia and Vincent through the old town and told Cedric and Charles to set off down the hill and that worked well.

Vincent and I did a lakeside extension and looped up to the meeting place of the bakery, Paul had over shot by 200m and sprinted back when he realised.

Very interesting 3 miles and perhaps the start of something regular. Very enjoyable and got me to 42 miles this week!

No point in posting the Garmin.

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