Friday 6 January 2012

6.1 Airport hill

Snow on the ground on the way to work.
Flakes falling on the way to office.
Looking like a swim and then the sun comes out, almost. But no rain or snow so off I trotted for an easy 10km around the airport hill. Bottom field had some people running out of it and they looked ok so I risked it and as I was thinking about this a peacock surprised me on the path and gave me a stern look as if to say, oi mate this is my botanical garden....

Over took some people on the up hill, which felt good. I even managed a bonjour as I went past.

Next excitement was the first near death experience. As I came back towards the school I notice a couple of guys running into the road I was on from the far side and I watched them for 2 seconds and realised that I was coming up to a drive. I glance in and noticed a car with a lady driver looking away from me, but the car was stationary so I crossed in front of it and still looking directly to her left (ie not the direction she was travelling) she starts to pull out - to my horror the car jumps forwards. Silly cow! I leapt like a salmon with my left hand on the boot of the car and vaulted the rest of the distance past the car. I caught her eye when I was in mid air and I think she thought she had hit me and I gave her a "what was that look" and she shrugged her shoulders as if it was my fault. Caught the two guys who had seen what happened and agreed with me that I'd had a lucky escape and it looked like a deliberate attempt to take me out.

Next up was at the Russian mission, two big black "Corps Diplomatic" BMWs were coming out of the gate at the same time as a beat up sedan was trying to get in. Normally those gates are firmly closed. As this is part of the down hill bit of the last mile I'd worked up some speed so did not want to slow down to wait for the cars to sort them selves out or the guy with the gun at the gate to shoot someone. So I went for the route behind the in car and between the two out cars. Half way across the in car it decides to reverse into me - this time right hand on the boot to vault out of the way of the in car now going out and then while in mid air the landing site is now a car as both out cars have started moving as well and now my gap between them is not where it was when I jumped. A mid air twist, during which I though might have moved some muscles that I've never used before, meant I just got the gap and the 2nd car hit the brakes to let me through.

Wow. No lasting damage, but more excitement than one would expect in Geneva on a cold damp winter Friday!


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