Monday 23 January 2012

8.3m Cologny

Took the boat over to meet Tenke at Geneva Plage.

Fortunately, she did not shoot off up the hill like Aurelien did the last time I was here, but set an easy 9 min mile pace up the hill which was fine to get going. As the hill eased off the speed crept up and suddenly we're doing 7:15 minute miles. That settled back to 7:20s and I was happy with that. Tenke headed home when we looped back to the lake side, slightly sooner than when I'd been up here with Aurelien.

But on my own I held the pace fine, enjoyed the view over to the other side of the lake with the snow covered Jura hills and picked out buildings I knew from the city scape. The water fountain was looking good with a slight wind and low sun highlighting the dramatic landmark even more than usual.

Taking out the first two miles (down to the boat and the hill) it was a pretty good run ave. pace around 7:20 min miles.


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